There was, according to the
Historical Marker over 15 large steamboats on Chautauqua Lake in the 1830's.
Here are some of them from our private collection, probably taken around 1910 by
Sarah Belle Cobbe, and a few we have acquired from other places.
Our own family, the Cobbes and friends appear to have spent a lot of time on the boats. We have many photos of them on the steamers and at Midway Park, and other places. From what I have read, people rode the steamers up to the parks in the morning, and took the trolleys home at night. (It was faster.) Oh! To have lived back then!
People leaving a steamboat
Steamboat at the boat landing.
Steamboats at the boat landing
Steamboats at the boat landing.
Steamboats at the boat landing.
Steamboat at the boat landing.
Steamboats at the boat landing.
Steamboat at Midway Park.
Steamboat to steamboat.
City Of Buffalo.
Chautauqua Belle.
Chautauqua Belle 1980.
Steamer City of New York at Celoron.
Steamer City of New York.
Steamer Winona 1889 at Boat Landing. (Fenton Historical photo)