lake dock

Welcome to the Cobbe, Burrows, Lafferty, Montgomery section of the Albro/Cobbe Genealogy Pages.
 The first Cobbe in our family was Richard Cobbe who married Margaret Mclean. They were both from Ireland.

Their son, Richard Cameron Cobbe married Mary Ann Lafferty. and they had a son named Robert E. Cobbe who married Lillian P. Burrows.

The Albro-Cobbe connection is through a daughter of Robert Eakin Cobbe, Mildred Cobbe who married Howard Frederick Albro Jr. on 10 May, 1941 in Jamestown, NY.

We have recently acquired many old pictures of the Cobbe, Burrows, Lafferty families, and they will be showing up here just as soon as they can be scanned and integrated into the site.

If you have any pictures, we would surely like to see them.


  These pages tell some of what we know about each individual. More information will be added as it becomes available.
Lafferty, Sarah (James Lafferty's daughter.)
Lafferty, William Finley
Leisure, Elizabeth
LeRoy, Irene Marie
Baker, Harper
Burrows, Allen J.
Burrows, Austin M.
Burrows, Eppy Isabel
Burrows, Floyd Leroy
Burrows, George
Burrows, James
Burrows, James Riveous
Burrows, Jack Leroy
Burrows, Jane (Jessie) Maude
Burrows, Lillian Pearl
Burrows, Priscilla Fern
Burrows, Ralph Allen
Burrows, William R.
Cobbe, Annette Jane Thompson
Cobbe, Archibald McLean
Cobbe, Charlotte L. Beaver
Cobbe, David H.
Cobbe, Florence Jane Grace
Cobbe, Jane
Cobbe, John
Cobbe, Laura Elizabeth
Cobbe, Margaret Ann
Cobbe, Marianne Pearl
Cobbe, Mary Alice
Cobbe, Mildred Ethel
Cobbe, Richard (The elder)
Cobbe, Richard Cameron
Cobbe, Richard Clayton
Cobbe, Robert Eakin
Cobbe, Sara Belle
Cobbe, Susan Emily
Cobbe, Thomas
Cobbe, Walter S.
Cobbe, William
Cobbe, William Henry
Cousins, Elizabeth R.
Doutt, Amon
Doutt, Amos Marlin
Doutt, James Lafferty
Eakin, Mary Ann
Eakin, Robert
Harrison, Martha
Hemphill, Mary
Herpst, Cyrus T.
Herpst, Henry Howard
Herpst, Martha Jane
Kidd, Eleanor
Lafferty, Eliza
Lafferty, Jackson
Lafferty, James
Lafferty, Martha Agnes
Lafferty, Mary Ann
Lafferty, Sarah M. (Wm. F. Lafferty's daughter)
Lusher, Jonathan M. Sr.
Lusher, Jonathan Miles
McLean, Margaret
Mitchell, Lowell Nelson
Mitchell, Olive Prudence
Montgomery, Charles G.
Montgomery, Cora Belle.
Montgomery, Frances Lillian.
Montgomery, Harrison Elmer
Montgomery, Josiah Fulton
Montgomery, Laura Louisa
Montgomery, Louisa A.
Montgomery, Martha A.
Montgomery, Matilda Taylor
Montgomery, Mildred M.
Montgomery, Philip S.
Montgomery, Samuel M.
Montgomery, Taylor W.
Montgomery, Thomas John
Montgomery, William B.
Oldham, Martha
Olds, Oro
Penhollow, Myrtle Spinler Cobbe
Roe, Kenneth Arnold
Simpson, Eliza
Simpson, Israel
Simpson, Israel (2)
Simpson, John
Simpson, John Jr.
Simpson, Margaret
Simpson, William
Smith, Eliza
Smith, Jacob
Smith, Jane
Smith, Peter
Sneed, Barbara Lee
Sneed, Hubert Neal Sr.
Sneed, Hubert Neal Jr.
Taylor, Curt (Lycurgus)
Taylor, Edna Agnes
Taylor, James
Taylor, Jennie E.
Taylor, Lillian May
Tesh, Mary Ross
Tesh, Peter
Tesh, William Ross
Todd, Aileen Renee
Underhill, Isaac Sr.
Underhill, Isaac (the younger)
Underhill, Jackson
Underhill, John
Underhill, Joseph
Underhill, John 1st
Underhill, Joseph 1st
Underhill, Sarah

References & Links:

Cobbe Family Bible
Lafferty Genealogy, by Milton Lafferty
(fourth generation), 1 January 1953

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Cobbe Brick Wall Page
Photograph from the collection of
the Fenton History Center, Jamestown, NY